Solar Project Proposal

As we all know, South Africa has been going through an energy crisis over the past 16 years. While load shedding remains suspended for the moment, electricity is by far Arnhem’s biggest collective expense – in the 2023/2024 financial year, OSRO paid the City of Cape Town a staggering R710 447.18 for electricity alone. Although…

Access at Arnhem

The Trustees are pleased to announce that there are now three options available for access to Arnhem: A six-button remote, with replacement remotes available for R380 from Trustees Accentronix cell application: use a smartphone to open each gate Cell-to-gate: place a phone call to open a gate   ACCENTRONIX KEYLESS ACCESS The application can be…

Recycling at Arnhem

About year ago the GREEN ROOM was introduced to Arnhem. The adoption and use by the residents of Arnhem of this more structured system of collecting recyclable material is substantial, sometimes even overwhelming, for the company collecting the material twice a month. The Trustees want to thank all residents for their participation in sorting their…

Fibre installation update

The trustees have been undergoing an evaluation process to determining the most suitable fibre solution for our building. There are many new providers in the market place and their is significant variation in the packages, speed and contracts on offer. After much deliberation and firm debate, the trustees feel that the best fit for Arnhem…