It’s the start of May 2019 and how time flies… so to keep you up to speed with what’s been happening at Arnhem over the past few months, read on:
We started the new year with six trustees. Unfortunately three have resigned, two due to work-related issues and one for personal reasons – being a trustee is a voluntary service and it can require a lot of extra work, including after-hours responsibilities.
A number of challenges were set for this year. An update on progress made:
1. Revarnishing the garage doors.
This is now underway.
2. Redecorating the entrance foyer.
The aim is to make it both aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly by reducing the impact of the summer winds – many residents have difficulty in pushing open the aluminium hinged door before operating the sliding door. The external walkway into the foyer (security cage) will remain but we have approached an interior designer who has submitted her ideas, which we are considering.
In addition, we have requested a contractor to conduct a test on a sample panel of the marble walls to see if we can breathe a bit of life back into it. The contractor has also advised that the external passages could be restored by mechanically grinding the existing tiles. The reason we are considering this approach is due to “cost and the inconvenience” to occupiers if we were to chop up the passage tiles to lay new ones. At the moment this is all in the consultation and planning stage. Once the extent of the redecoration is agreed, we will further advise you of the way forward.
3. Security camera upgrade. This is underway.
As we all know, living in a flat means that our neighbours are in close proximity and it requires us all to be considerate of each other. Each of us should be familiar with the Arnhem House Rules, which are given to each occupier upon their occupation or purchase.
This is one of the complaints occupiers often have – please be aware of noise levels that could be affecting your neighbours above, below and next-door. If you leave your doors and windows open and have loud music playing, you are not abiding by the House Rules. Likewise, going out into the passages to have a cell phone conversation can be extremely annoying to other occupiers.
Other than in the garden area or inside your flat, this is not allowed in any public space within the building (passages, stairwells, foyer, the lifts) or outside the entrances to the building. No Smoking signs have been put up to this effect – please abide by this: it is not only a House Rule but also the law.
Please inform Ken in 1402 in advance so that the blankets can be put up in the service lift (that’s the larger of the two lifts) to protect our new lifts from scratches and other damage.
Please remember that there are set hours when contractors can work in the building. If you are not sure, please ask Ken (1402).
If you are considering any alteration work to your unit, the trustees need to be informed and the process will be explained to you.
It is still an issue that some occupiers are parking for long periods of time on the visitors’ parking bays. If you have a garage, you must use it to park your vehicle, not as storage space. If you have more than one car, use the off-street parking. If you have an empty garage, there are people wishing to rent it – please let Ken know.
An email has been sent to owners regarding equipping their units with a smoke alarm, fire blanket and fire extinguisher. In the winter months, we all need to be aware of safety around using candles and heaters, especially. Further fire safety practices for the building are being considered and will be communicated. If any occupiers are willing to be fire marshalls (each floor needs at least one) please contact Michelle (304).
The Arnhem Trustees