The new lifts have been successfully installed at Arnhem – Within budget and 3 weeks ahead of schedule!! This is a huge improvement for all resident and owners. We feel that this upgrade has improved the living experience at Arnhem and most-likely increased the value of the apartments in our building.
The speed difference is significant. The new lifts are twice as fast as the old. The ceiling height of the second lift (referred to as our goods lift) has been increased to allow larger pieces of furniture into the apartments. There is a automatic emergency system to lower the lift to the nearest floor in the event of power loss. And a digital intercom system that connects to a call centre in the case of an emergency.
We thank all the residents for their patience during this installation. And a huge thank you to the lift commitee, Fred Webb our lift consultant and Nu Line the lift manufacturer.
We are implementing new rules with regard to using the list for construction. These will be circulated in due course. Property management of our lift is critical to ensure that it remains in good working order and that we maximise its useful lifespan.