I would like to thank the trustees who made themselves available for this year’s committee. They did so knowing that it is a working committee and what was expected of them. However, 3 of the trustees reluctantly stood down due to their work commitments. Their efforts were really appreciated.

This year we undertook the needed maintenance and upgrade of the foyer. Due to trustee time constraints, we were only able to ensure that the all the garage doors were rub down and varnished. Further to that we were able to commence with the access passage redecoration of walls, windows and ceilings (all 14 floors). This project should be complete early September.

The Foyer upgrade will be pursued by the incoming Trustees

The lifts are a pleasure to use, the maintenance period has come to an end and we have entered into a maintenance contract with NuLine to ensure that the lifts are operating 24/7

We appreciate the water savings that residents have made over the past years. We are investigating the installation of water meters to each flat to ensure that occupiers pays for what they use, rather than spreading the cost of water over the M2 of each flat. It would be a far fairer way of paying for the water used

The Fibre optic installation was completed this year. You will have noticed that outside of each apartment door there is a plastic box. This is where your fibre installer connects your personal installation… It is entirely up to you which provider you use.

We have converted one of our storerooms into a bike store (lets encourage cycling). Provided you chain up your bike and have it insured against theft it will be the perfect place to keep it. Please do not use the lifts to take your bike up and down to your flat. Keys are available

Apart from maintaining the building we are concerned about security and preventing unwanted people entering the building…the lights have been improved and the new cameras installed

We recently attended a Milnerton security general meeting. There are issues in the Milnerton area with House break-ins along with shootings involving commercial buildings (with the general public caught in the middle).

We subscribe to Milnerton Crime Watch on your behalf. Their cell number is displayed (you should put it in your cell phone address book)…. If you see someone or something suspicious within the building or on the grounds, do not hesitate to phone them

Please do not let anyone into the building, as it’s, the responsibility of the occupier they are visiting, to let them in and out.

Keep vigilant

The gardens are back and doing well…. not surprised with all the rain we have had.

There are quite a few apartments undergoing renovations. This is a good thing We always try to keep the builders to the stipulated working hours.

Fire requirements: We have requested that ALL apartments have a fire extinguisher, ceiling fire alarm and a fire blanket … please be compliant.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed that the Cape Winters are back, giving enough rain to live as we are used to keep your fingers crossed the lights stay on!


Tony Blackwell

Chairman of Trustees