Access at Arnhem

The Trustees are pleased to announce that there are now three options available for access to Arnhem: A six-button remote, with replacement remotes available for R380 from Trustees Accentronix cell application: use a smartphone to open each gate Cell-to-gate: place a phone call to open a gate   ACCENTRONIX KEYLESS ACCESS The application can be…


Recycling at Arnhem

About year ago the GREEN ROOM was introduced to Arnhem. The adoption and use by the residents of Arnhem of this more structured system of collecting recyclable material is substantial, sometimes even overwhelming, for the company collecting the material twice a month. The Trustees want to thank all residents for their participation in sorting their…


Passage Cleaning

The Trustees have appointed Innovative Cleaning to clean all passage floors. The work will start on Tuesday 10th May 2022, and should be completed within 10 days. Please remember that the passage tiles are 50 years old, and while the clean will be a notable improvement, they will retain some character.

Update: Recycling at Arnhem

  The Trustees are pleased to announce that the recycling initiative at Arnhem has been a tremendous success over the first couple of months. Recyclable waste is now collected on a bi-weekly basis and has led to a significant reduction in municipal waste. All residents are reminded that the bin room remains an outlet for…
